We are CWB

We emerged as an unrivalled super-regional IP firm in 2023 following the merger of leading intellectual property specialists Cedar White Bradley, PETOŠEVIĆ Group and Hahn & Hahn. We now service and manage the portfolios of some of the world’s leading IP owners across Africa, Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Our vision is to Transform How IP Services are Delivered and Consumed and looking to the future, we have huge ambitions to expand into more of the world’s secondary and underserved regions, always as One Firm.

What motivates us is our purpose and ability to have a positive impact on the regions we operate in. Thinking Beyond for a Better Future is our purpose - we aim to make the future better, by thinking beyond what is currently possible, to enable and empower creators and innovators to effectively extend their IP into secondary markets, to effect social reform, economic development, and technology advancement.

Our Leadership Team

We want to be the IP firm that clients trust and want to work with above all others. We want to stand out because of our commitment to investing in our client relationships and empowering our teams, and because of our mind set. To do this we must have strong leadership and robust structures for risk management.

Our Executive Committee is CWB’s most senior management committee. It is chaired by the Group CEO and its members include the firm’s Regional Managing Partners, the Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Commercial Officer, and the Group People & Culture Director. It is the forum in which the senior management of the firm discuss issues relating to the firm, including its strategy and plans.

  • Halim Shehadeh
    • Group CEO
  • Slobodan Petošević
    • Group COO
  • Victor Williams
    • Africa Managing Partner
  • Shafic Eid
    • Group CCO
  • Nilay Soysaldi
    • Group CFO
  • George Chelala
    • Group CTO
  • Jelena Šribar
    • Group People & Culture Director

When a formidable team, with shared values puts all its experience and drive behind a clear and meaningful vision, some incredible things happen. Halim Shehadeh, Group CEO

Managing Risk

Our approach to risk management is overseen by the firm’s Audit and Risk Committee. This Committee has a broad remit to consider risks, threats, succession, and controls across the firm. Any risks which it considers to be particularly strategic or important are raised as part of regular reporting to the Executive Committee.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

We operate in the world’s developing regions where organisation and transparency are not as prevalent as they otherwise may be. We owe it to our clients to let them know what we stand for and how we ensure compliance in these challenging geographies. That’s why we put together The Code, a code of conduct that sets out our ethical standards and compliance responsibilities and how they are reinforced by our values, culture and our CWB Way. The Code also defines our expectations of everyone working in CWB, and acts as a guide for our behaviour with each other, our clients, and all our external stakeholders.

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)

We do not advocate for or implement any ESG policies at CWB. This is a subject we know very little about and choose not to posture but instead focus on real world impact. We pursue a different approach to positively impact our communities and be good global citizens, an approach that focuses on good governance through character-based leadership.

We believe that leaders of good character can help our firm thrive over the long term, steering us clear of scandals and crisis, not just through good business practice, but on principle. We believe that putting people of good character in charge will lead to a better CWB, long term value creation for our firm and the clients we serve, and more virtuous practices – all of which would result in achieving the E and S as a natural consequence of good G.

ESG Environmental Social Fovernamental
Generative AI

Our Position on Generative AI

We are committed to the responsible use of AI and are currently deploying the technology to assist in routine process driven day to day tasks only as we continue to assess how best to use it in an IP services context to benefit our clients and people. We ensure that we apply the following principles when considering the use of AI:

  • We will only use AI technology when we assess that, in the context of a specific use case, it is secure and adds value to our clients and people.

  • The use case does not have the potential to conflict with our values, ethical standards, or regulatory framework.

  • We will be transparent with our clients and people on how we use or intend to use AI.

  • Our use of AI will be subject to the direction and control of our people, and they will always be responsible and accountable for their work product.

Company News

Considering a career at CWB?

We are different from other firms in the way we think, work, and behave. We do not put competence ahead of character, we are a character first employer. We believe that people can work on and develop their competence whereas good character tends to be something more innate and the product of a set of closely held values. We find that people with this asset grow into the best leaders, with the right support.