Significant Changes to Trade Mark Renewal Fees and Requirements in Libya
The changes include an increase in official fees and additional procedural complexities.
The changes include an increase in official fees and additional procedural complexities.
The Treaty includes provisions specifically related to indigenous peoples and local communities.
Ethiopia’s Council of Ministers approved the country’s accession to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
The Libyan Trade Mark Office resumed accepting new trade mark applications on 2 September 2024.
The African Intellectual Property Organization launched its trademark e-filing system on 3 June 2024.
The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization and the Chinese Intellectual Property Office launched a joint Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program on 8 June 2024.
On 17 January 2024, Resolution No. 26 of 2024 entered into force in Libya, implementing a new executive regulation regarding Law No. 23 of 2010 on Trademarks.