27 November 2024

Yemen IPO Resumes Renewals for Certain 'Blacklisted' Countries

According to the Ministerial Decision No. 56, issued on 11 November 2024, certain restrictions that the Trade Mark Office in Sana’a imposed against Swedish and American companies, agencies and branches have eased.

The decision states that the previously restricted trade mark renewals may now be allowed, subject to certain requirements. Notably, renewals might not be allowed where the renewal could “compromise the rights of Yemeni merchants under whose name those trade marks […] are registered”.

Irrespective of the still remaining restrictions, we urge the affected trade mark owners to make enquiry at the earliest opportunity.

For any renewal requests, please contact renewals.mena.tm@cwbip.com.

For more information, please contact:

Yemen NEWS

Middle East NEWS

Trademarks NEWS